What advice would you give parents?
Eleanor Tonkin
Biggest advice for new parents is not to worry, it will be OK. Second best advice is join the various Facebook groups because you learn so much about things you might not think to ask yourself.
Don’t let fear or worry turn into limitations. They will achieve far more than what you think with your support and patience.
Lisa Jackson
Let you child be your guide. Plan out for safety but the more restrictions you place thinking that you are helping may just be hindering… we do all have to fall sometimes. Teach them how to get back up gracefully. Also, could we refrain from “look at that over there!” Most of the time we are all scrambling to see it so we just say “uh huh…”
BirDemet İki Ömer Mirza
Don’t worry, Nystagmus iş superpower. İf u wanna learn activity and something follow us. ♥️
Stephanie Fradella Leibfritz
I am a parent of a dancing eyed three year old, so I haven’t been doing this long. But to brand new diagnosis families I tell everyone – early intervention is KEY! Push for therapy, for second opinions, for anything you think would benefit them. You are their advocate. By little one was falling behind at 2/3 months, by the time she was 18 months, you would never know. Therapy!!!!